You Are Never Too Old To Be A Student!

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Open University, Study, Mature, Students, Degree, Academic

Hi Everyone!

It's been a while but with general life, a holiday and studying, it's been quite busy.
 I thought it would be interesting for me to write about being a mature student, as I have been one for nearly seven years now and it's not always how you think it would be.

Lets go right back to the beginning, shall we? Years ago- not that I am that old really- when I should have been going to university, or even considering it, the universe decided that it would be best for me to look after my mum, who was ill. This was a learning experience in itself as it taught me the many skills that I use in my everyday life now, with regards to keeping a house and family. Fast forward to the present day and it has become possible for me to do the learning and ultimately the degree without even leaving the house!

As I write this, I will be starting the last module of my degree in a few months time. I have already successfully completed six - which at times felt like it was more hassle than it was worth, but I got there in the end. Hopefully, by this time next year I will have qualified with a  BA/BSc in Psychology and Criminology (Honours). How good does that sound eh? Lets not get ahead of ourselves however, there is still a little way to go with a lot of hard work to do.

How and where you want to study depends on the type of person you are. As I got older, I felt that the best choice for me would be The Open University. As with anything, I think studying in the later stages of life -which is my 40's for me-  has it's advantages and disadvantages. For me personally, one advantage is that it can be done in your own time, at home and at your own pace. I'm not a great at mixing with people, so studying alone is perfect. Being older can have the advantage of a greater outlook on life and experience. However, it can be daunting beginning to read text books, making notes and writing essays, as many mature students haven't looked at anything remotely academic since leaving school.

This being said however, if you feel you didn't achieve what you wanted out of school, as maybe the opportunities you wanted were just out of reach, for many reasons, then maybe mature study is for you. Studying, for me, with The Open University gives me such a sense of achievement when I do well in my tutor marked assignments and especially when I pass everything at the end.

Whatever reasons you have, for whatever reason you choose, I hope you get as much satisfaction, stress, wonderment and pleasing results as I have. It has all been worth it so far. I hope this time next year I can report back with my degree certificate in hand.

Would you ever consider being a mature student?

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