Post Christmas Thoughts

Monday, 22 February 2016

Post Christmas Thoughts

Hi Everyone!

I thought I would write a little blog post Christmas. It is my absolute favourite time of year and I relish the complete run up to it. Well some would say my run up lasts a bit longer than others! However, I know it is quite a bit past the festive season but I just wanted to throw a thought out there.

For years and years I have always thought there was something missing at Christmas time. Don't get me wrong, I have a great and wonderful time but I think I finally realised what it was. I believe, subconsciously I was trying to recreate childhood feelings and memories and maybe want to be a little girl again. I now realise (may have taken a while) that with each year comes brand new memories and that each Christmas isn't actually missing anything, except my Mum. 

So I will leave you with this thought, every Christmas, birthday, Easter or special occasion cannot be repeated or imitated , they are just as special and memorable as those past, present and future and they are what we choose to make them.

What are your thoughts?


  1. This is so meaningful, and a reminder to us all. Thank-you!

    One World, Too Many Pages

  2. I believe you have hit the nail on the head.
    Lots of love

  3. Just goes to prove I do look at your site. (LOL)
