Where Has Betty Been

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Hi everyone!

I am sure you are all wondering - Where has Betty been?
Well, I haven't been posting recently as I have been very busy in the kitchen. In particular I have been resurrecting my ice-cream maker from the bottom of a very dusty cupboard. With it, I have been making some really lovely strawberry and mini marshmallow ice-cream, making full use of home grown fruit, that my auntie passed on to me!

This flavour was specifically for me as I am allergic to chocolate and couldn't eat any of the mint chocolate chip batch that I made for my husband and daughter. I am however, feeling adventurous and think I am going to try making the mint ice-cream with white chocolate instead. I will write a post at a later date with the results of my experiment.

As well as spending lots of time in my kitchen (it's my little haven at times) I have also been looking up and making notes about various Christmas projects. I have a love of Christmas (some say it goes beyond love and can be at times bordering on obsession) and have on occasions bought my first present at the start of January. My family like to say if you don't like Christmas you better not get in my way!

With this in mind I am planning lots of Christmas posts which will be following in the later months of November and December, so keep checking the blog and my social media for when those go up.

As the winter months approach I hope to get back into making my own soaps, which I like to give to my family as gifts. This year I am also hoping to craft my own candles that will give my house a more homely feel this year. Another craft item I can't wait to get stuck into will be a Christmas version of some summer bunting I made for the garden (you can't leave the garden out at Christmas either).

Last but not least the dogs in my household will need some attention. Especially the smaller ones. Molly only has a single layer coat so can feel the cold more than the others. With this in mind I am knitting her a Christmas jumper. This is currently under way and when completed (as long as it fits her) I will be able to get a post up showing you the results..


  1. I love Christmas too. Makes me happy to think about Christmas in the middle of summer - it's how I cope with the rotten flippin' sunshine!

    1. Hopefully I will start my Christmas stuff soon especially as the weather is so bad. Thanks for looking at my blog. Hope you keep reading xxx
